Cookie policy

As with most websites, we sometimes place small data files, called “cookies,” on the device you use to visit our website, in order to allow the websites of Energy NV to work at its best.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded to your Internet-connected device when you visit a website. Cookies are used by many websites and can be used for a number of things, such as remembering your preferences, memorizing what you have placed in your shopping cart or calculating the number of people connected at the site. The information gathered via our cookies is not used to identify you personally.

There are different types of cookies, which can be divided into four categories:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: They are generally used to store and manage a unique identity, and to make the difference between the visitor and other users who visit the site at the same time, in order to provide a consistent and accurate service to each visitor.
  • Functional cookies: These are cookies that are introduced to improve the functionality of the site.They are usually the result of a visitor action, but can also be implemented as part of the provision of services that are not expressly required by visitors, but are offered to them. For example, cookies that memorize the content already visited on the Website, or the e-mail address and password you entered to log in during a previous visit. They can also be used to prevent from offering to the visitor a service that he has previously been offered and that he has refused. The use of functional cookies may also help us to provide content tailored to your interests, and save you time to connect again or to provide us again with certain information when you visit the website or try to access certain parts reserved for members.
  • Performance cookies: They are limited to improving the performance and the Website. The main function of a performance cookie is to measure and monitor the visitor’s activity of the site. A performance cookie will help generate statistics and is used by webmasters using Google Analytics for tracking and analyzing online activities on their website.
  • Targeting or advertising cookies: Those contain a unique key that is able to distinguish the search patterns of individual visitors, or may contain a code that can be turned into a series of browsing habits or information about preferences of use, which are stored elsewhere.

First-party cookies are cookies that are implemented by this site and can only be read by this site.

Third-party cookies are cookies that are implemented by third parties and used for all types of services (for example, the analysis of websites or advertising).


How and why do we use cookies?

Most cookies we use are temporary cookies or “session cookies” and are automatically removed from your browser when your session is finished. You should not take action to remove them. Some of our pages use cookies to store information, such as for example your display preferences (such as the contrast parameters, colors, etc.), your language, your user name and password, etc. It is not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of this Website to activate these cookies, but you will enjoy a better browsing experience. In addition, some of these cookies are essential to allow the websites to function. They allow for basic functions such as page navigation, security and loading time to work. We advise you to accept the cookies we offer. You can delete or block these cookies, but if you do, some elements of the site may not work as expected.

We use third-party services, such as Google Analytics, which implements cookies to collect information about users and their use of the site – this information is useful for planning and maintaining the service offered. Most cookies are not essential to provide you with the required services and can be blocked.

A complete list of the cookies we use is available at the end of this document.

How to control cookies?

If you wish to limit or block the cookies set up by our Website or by another site, you can do it via the parameters of your browser (see the manual of your browser). You can delete all cookies already on your computer and you can configure most browsers to prevent cookies from being placed on your device. But if you do so, you will need to manually adjust your preferences each time you visit a website, and some services or features (including some training modules) may not work.

LIST OF cookies

Strictly necessary cookies 
“_ga”  Energylab.netObjective: this cookie lets you distinguish users2 years
“_utmv”Energylab.netRecording users specific data on the site2 years
Functional and performance cookies
“_gat”Energylab.netThis cookie tracks the number of requests on the site and manages them10 min
“_gali”Energylab.netStoring statistics about the site (e.g. page visits)30 seconds
 “_utma”Energylab.netDistinguish and record number of users and sessions2 years
“_utmb”Energylab.netDistinguish and record number of sessions and visits30 minutes
“_utmz”Energylab.netTracking the traffic sources or related campaign on the site  6 months
Performance cookies
“_utma”,Google Analyticspersistent cookie – remains on a computer, unless it expires or the cookie cache is cleared. It tracks visitors. Metrics associated with the Google __utma cookie include: first visit (unique visit), last visit (returning visit). This also includes Days and Visits to purchase calculations which afford ecommerce websites with data intelligence around purchasing sales funnels.2 years
“_utmb”  and “_utmc”Google Analyticsthese cookies work in tandem to calculate visit length. Google __utmb cookie demarks the exact arrival time, then Google __utmc registers the precise exit time of the user. Because __utmb counts entrance visits, it is a session cookie, and expires at the end of the session, e.g. when the user leaves the page. A timestamp of 30 minutes must pass before Google cookie __utmc expires. Given__utmc cannot tell if a browser or website session ends. Therefore, if no new page view is recorded in 30 minutes the cookie is expired.  30 minutes
“_utmz”Google AnalyticsCookie __utmz monitors the HTTP Referrer and notes where a visitor arrived from, with the referrer siloed into type (Search engine (organic or cpc), direct, social and unaccounted). From the HTTP Referrer the   __utmz Cookie also registers, what keyword generated the visit plus geolocation data.6 months
“_utmv”Google AnalyticsGoogle __utmv Cookie lasts “forever”. It is a persistant cookie. It is used for segmentation, data experimentation and  the __utmv works hand in hand with the   __utmz cookie to improve cookie targeting capabilitiesNo time restriction